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Vào ngày 12 tháng 6, "'Lõi' nổi trên sông Pujiang, chung tay tạo dựng tương lai" 2024 Hiệp hội Công nghiệp Mạch Tích hợp Thượng Hải Phiên họp thứ sáu Hội nghị Thành viên Thứ tư và Diễn đàn Hội nghị thượng đỉnh Quốc tế về Phát triển Công nghiệp Mạch Tích hợp Thượng Hải do Hiệp hội Công nghiệp Mạch Tích hợp Thượng Hải tổ chức (sau đây gọi là "Hiệp hội") đã được tổ chức thành công tại Hội trường Khoa học Zhangjiang Thượng Hải. Zhang Suxin, Chủ tịch Hiệp hội, Bí thư Đảng ủy, Chủ tịch Tập đoàn Huahong và Tang Wenkan, Phó Giám đốc Ủy ban Thông tin và Kinh tế Thượng Hải, đã tham dự cuộc họp và phát biểu. Với tư cách là công ty thành viên của Hiệp hội Công nghiệp Mạch tích hợp Thượng Hải, Baoshili được mời tham dự cuộc họp để chia sẻ những hiểu biết tiên tiến với các đồng nghiệp trong ngành và thảo luận về phát triển công nghiệp.

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Ngành công nghiệp bán dẫn trong nước đang phát triển ổn định.
Baoshili tích cực phát huy sức mạnh tổng hợp giữa các ngành công nghiệp thượng nguồn và hạ nguồn.

At the meeting, Liu Linfa, director of the Development and Research Department of the Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Association, released the "2024 Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Development Report". The report pointed out that although my country's integrated circuit industry is facing a severe and complex external environment, ups and downs in the market situation, and a confusing competitive landscape, the development of the domestic semiconductor industry remains stable, with sales reaching 1,227.69 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 2.3%.

While the domestic environment is stable and upward, Shanghai's integrated circuit industry has also delivered a good answer, achieving sales of 325.19 billion yuan throughout the year, a year-on-year growth rate of 6.4%. Against this background, the Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Association has taken on the mission of actively promoting upstream and downstream collaboration between the semiconductor industry, attracting a large number of leading semiconductor companies in the cluster to join.

Baoshili is a member of the Shanghai Integrated Circuit Industry Association. The company is located in Shanghai Lingang Hailifang Equipment Park, a famous semiconductor industry cluster in Shanghai, and is a leading upstream component manufacturer in the cluster.

Baoshili representatives said at the meeting: "At present, the key semiconductor components produced by Baoshili - ultra-pure PFA products, ultra-pure packaging containers and other products have overcome technical difficulties and have taken the lead in achieving domestic substitution. Next, Baoshili will accelerate the upstream and downstream collaboration of the industry, increase investment in R&D technology, maintain the stability of the supply chain, and contribute to the upstream and downstream collaboration of the domestic semiconductor industry."


Domestic semiconductors overtake others
Technological innovation brings opportunities

On the one hand, the semiconductor industry is developing at a slow pace, and on the other hand, it is continuously brewing new breakthroughs.

President Zhang Suxin said, "In the past year, domestic technological innovation and industrial upgrading in the fields of communications, artificial intelligence, computers, automobiles, and consumer electronics have been extremely active. At present, we are standing at a new starting point, and we must still make arduous efforts. We must continue to increase investment in technology research and development, promote technology to a higher level, and continuously enhance the core competitiveness of the industry; we must strengthen the construction of the industrial ecosystem and make up for the shortcomings and weak links in the development of the industrial chain; we must pay more attention to the training of talents and team building, and inject strong and inexhaustible talent momentum into the sustainable development of the integrated circuit industry; we must strengthen international cooperation and exchanges, and jointly promote the prosperity and development of the global integrated circuit industry."

Since 2023, the global semiconductor technology innovation field has been brilliant. In the field of communications, 5G is moving firmly towards 5.5G and even 6G; in the field of high-performance computing and artificial intelligence, new architectures and process routes are constantly being applied, such as Chiplet architecture and CoWoS packaging technology. The evolution of "Venus image" to "Venus video" has a profound impact on the development of human economic society; in the field of automotive electronics, with the development of new energy vehicles, a batch of high-computing chips such as smart driving and smart cockpits have been spawned, which also provides application scenarios for the vigorous development of the wide bandgap semiconductor industry...

Technological innovation is the key proposition for the development of the domestic semiconductor industry to "overtake on the curve". Since 2021, Baoshili has continued to invest in independent technology research and development. With the continuous application of product upgrades, it has successfully created industry-leading products such as ultra-clean PFA tubes and PFA joints, and has become the first domestic component manufacturer to sign a contract with a leading semiconductor industry enterprise.

This industry conference and summit forum successfully brought together industry experts, well-known entrepreneurs and other guests who are representative of the forefront in the circuit field, providing a platform for industry colleagues to exchange ideas. As a member of the industry, Baoshili also hopes to continue to contribute to further consolidate the industry and jointly promote industrial development.
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